Hamilton West 1977
A special thank you to the Mercer Oaks reunion committee


As the leader of the Mercer Oaks reunion held on November 30th, I was fortunate to work with a terrific, flexible, and cooperative team and I'd like to thank them. Because of Bob Lewis, I was motivated to organize an affair before the year 2007 ended with the hope that he would be able to attend. But pulling together a reunion in 90 days was a challenge. I was ably assisted by many of your wonderful classmates. Everyone was so cooperative and gave what they could, when they could.

Some classmates put down deposit money to secure Mercer Oaks and the DJ’s services (Kathi, Debbie, Jessie, and Denise). Kim was a miracle worker decorating the room for less than $200 without sacrificing the WOW factor. Kathi is the best banker that any committee could hope for. Len, Colleen, and Tesa searched records to obtain addresses for many lost classmates and served as our check-in crew. Sharon made dozens of phone calls as part of our outreach campaign. Debbie hosted the invitation stuffing party at her office and brought in a delicious dinner to feed us too. Dave asked to join the committee and offered to do whatever was necessary to help and was part of the decorating team that included Kim, Jessie, Denise, Kathi and Tinker. Jessie and Sharon drove up to Hamilton from quite a distance to help us at critical times.  And remarkably, we only had two actual sit-down meetings. The bulk of the planning and decision making was done over email.

We were able to price the tickets $25 less than the cost of the 25th reunion by deciding to eliminate favors, door prizes, and extraneous entertainment. But even with the reduced price, nothing was sacrificed as our DJ set the retro mood by playing many classic tunes from 30 years ago; the food was good and plentiful; and the drinks flowed freely for 4 hours.

We kept the welcome speech and acknowledgements to less than five minutes in order to stay true to the purpose of holding a reunion—which is to maximize interaction and have fun. From all indications, we achieved our goal. Thanks again to everyone on the committee who helped make Friday night one of the best reunions to date!

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