Read the Complete Reunion Announcement

Tickets are now available for the 35th year reunion.

77 Hornets
The 35th-year reunion has been scheduled for John Henry's Stone Terrace for Friday, November 23, 2012. The Stone Terrace is on Kuser Road where the former Italian-American Sportsmen's Club was located. The reunion will begin at 7pm and end at midnight.

The reunion will feature appetizers, dinner, 5-hour open bar, and DJ entertainment. For tickets purchased prior to September 1st and paid for by check or money order, the cost is $85 per person. Tickets purchased after September 1st and/or paid for through PayPal are $90 per person. All tickets must be paid for by November 9th.

Please download this Reunion Announcement for complete details and instructions for ordering tickets. Announcements will only be mailed to classmates who are neither on Facebook nor reachable by email.

Question can be directed to Tesa Danaso (Letitia Pappalau).

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