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Remembering 1977



Remembering Bob Lewis

If you would like to prepare a tribute to one of our deceased classmates, please send your photos and write-up to:  HHW1977@verizon.net





The following is a list of classmates that we don't know how to reach. To make this, and any reunion as fun as possible, we'd like to develop and maintain a Class of 1977 Hamilton High School West Directory. If you know how to reach someone on the list, please do so. Or, if your information is sketchy, click below and send whatever you knowmarried name, last known city/state, information about parents, etc., so we can do further research. Help Us Find Friends

First Last
Shirley Marie Bates
Linda Marie Battaglia
Kathleen Battiste
Kerry Bechtel
Deborah Ann Blakely
Janice M. Brokofsky
John Dennis Brown
David B. Cannon
Margaret L. Carotenuto
Clifford J. Craft
Mary Eileen Edwards
Joseph S. Elko
Jayne Marie Ferrara
Elizabeth H. Foy
Maureen Gallagher
Lorraine J. Gargus
William H. Granberry, Jr.
Kimberley E. Granville
Ronald Gregory
Sharon Elaine Keiser
John J. Kelly, III
Sharon Edna Kennedy
Patricia A. Kreinakker
John W. Lacko
Regina Leary
Deborah Ann Magee
Elizabeth A. Marx
Ricky Mohr
Monica M. Monsees
Ronda Jean Muse
Kenneth Novak
Iris November
Cheryl Anne Oakes
Robert O'hara
Theresa Onarati
June Pavlov
Jo-Ann Marie Pelletteri
Mary Ann T. Ratkiewicz
Dororthy M. Robinson
Anthony James Romano
Susan E. Schumacher
Carole-Lynn Schwarz
Kathryn A. Shaddow
Pamela Sharp
Donna Stevens
Nancy Marie Sutton
David Thomas
Lorraine R. Walter
Linda White
Donna Lee White
Margaret Wittmann
Patricia Wood

We're down to 64!
Oops, several invitations were returned for bad addresses so we're up to 83 missing classmates again.
Back down to 52!

Please recheck the list and help us find them.

List updated November 01, 2008

This site was last updated 11/25/08